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Accessibility Statement


This website is designed to be used by everyone. Web accessibility is essential for people living with disablity and useful for everyone in a variety of situations.

The New Zealand Disability Karate Association owns and manages the content on this website. It’s designed to be used by as many people as possible. The text should be easy to see and read.

Problems accessing this website

Let us know if:

  • there’s information on this website that you cannot access,
  • you need any content sent to you in a different format,
  • you’ve suggestions on how we can improve the accessibility of this website.

In your message please include:

  • the address (URL) of the web page,
  • Details about what you were trying to do, and why it was difficult or impossible to do it,
  • your email or postal address,
  • if you need information in alternate formats, such as Braille, audio, large print or closed captions.

Contact us for further information

Office: 04 477 6606
Cell/Text:027 240 2717
Email: access@karatedojo.nz