News and Events for 2021

Christmas Class 2021
On the 15th December we will have our Christmas class. Lots of games and fun. There will be awards, lollies and Christmas crackers.
This will be our last class of the year. We back on 26th January 2022!
All students have are welcome both past and present. This has been a great year for the club and it would be wonderful to see you before we all head off to celebrate Christmas.
If you cannot make it I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and an awesome 2022!
NZ Vaccine Pass
We are getting ready to be able to scan and verify the vaccine passes so that we will be ready for the new traffic light system.
We don't intend to store this information in our database, but we are checking to see if there are any privacy implications.
We can discuss this at our next class or you can call Steve on 027 240 2717.
Rain Bro joins a Dojo
The first book in Rain Bro's karate adventures has reached the next stage of development. Sensei's handwritten notes have been transferred to a Word document so that it can be reviewed and edited.
Now the story is starting to really take shape. The next phase is to create the artwork.
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse
On the 27th October we will have our Halloween class. Remember to dress up in your best Halloween costume.
Can you survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
Is your karate strong enough to hold back the hordes of prowling zombies?
Can you defeat a zombie with a single strike?
Come to class and find out if you are a survivor or a snack.
See if you can spot the T-Rex. Find out if dinosaurs can do kata!
There will be gooey lollies and ghostly games. Can you scare Sensei?
Spring Newsletter
Here is the Spring issue of Ability the New Zealand Disability Karate Association Newsletter.
Find out about the new children's karate book that will help raise funds for our club, which will be published early in 2022.
Read Newsletter
October Zoom Class
There is a 60 minute online training session with Sensei, which starts at 4pm on Sunday 3rd October. Even though it is school holidays. You can wear your Gi or not, it is up to you. We will follow the normal class format.
There is a special Zoom Class entry for your karate journey.
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Māori Language Week
Tomorrow evening we will be using te reo Māori in our karate training. Sensei will be practicing tonight so that he will not need to use the guide to much.
Last time we did this you helped Sensei by correcting his pronunciation and in some cases taking over when he was struggling.
There will be printed A5 copies of our guide so that you can take them home with you.
Funding Support For Our Club
Wellington Community Trust have just approved our request for a grant for operational funding. This will allow us to run the club until the end of 2022.
A massive thank you to Wellington Community Trust for their support!
COVID-19: Training at Level 2 Delta
We will be returning to the dojo this Wednesday now that we are at Alert Level 2. We will be following our COVID-19 plan to keep you safe. The key points are listed below.
1) You must use contact tracing. The club has a QR code.
2) It is best to wear a mask. There will be disposable masks.
3) Stay two metre away from each other.
4) There is a limit of 15 people in the dojo.
Here is a link to our COVID-19 plan which includes a link to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 web pages. If you have any questions please contact Sensei Steve.
Be Safe, Be Kind.
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Only Zoom Classes Until Level 2
The Khandallah Town Hall, our dojo, will not be opening until the alert level moves down to level 2.
Our Zoom Dojo will be open at 4pm and then again at 7pm. If there is a better date or time for you let Sensei know and we can see if we can move the time or add more classes. Each session will last for an hour. You can wear your Gi or not, it is up to you. We will follow the normal class format. If you want to focus on anything let Sensei know and he will adjust the class plan.
There is a special Zoom Class entry for your karate journey.
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Zoom Class Rather than Dojo Class
This is a 60 minute online training session with Sensei, which starts at 6pm on Wednesday 25th August. You can wear your Gi or not, it is up to you. We will follow the normal class format. If you want to focus on anything let Sensei know and he will adjust the class plan.
Also it is someone's birthday tomorrow. So they may get Happy Birthday sung twice, once in the Zoom Class and again when they return to the dojo!
There is a special Zoom Class entry for your karate journey.
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Class cancelled due to COVID-19
I am very sorry to have to announce that we are suspending all classes until next Wednesday, where we will re-assess the situation based on guidance from the Ministry of Health. This is from immediate effect so there is no class this week. This is due to the New Zealand going to Level 4 lock-down for the next three days.
I will be running a zoom class this week on Wednesday at 6pm instead of our normal class so we can all train together. I had not planned to run a 7pm zoom class, but happy to do so I there is anyone who can't make the 6pm class.
If you want to chat you can call or text me on 027 240 2717. Keep safe and be kind to one another.
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The Dojo Gallery
Did you know you can share your karate pictures in our Dojo Gallery? As a club member you can add your own memories when you are logged into your account.
Just think of a title and a description of the picture for someone who can't see and upload your photo. It is that easy.
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Karate at the 2020 Summer Olympics
Karate will be at the 2020 Olympics for the very first time! There will be 80 karateka from 36 countries competing in 8 events. Andrea Anacan from Auckland who will be representing New Zealand.
The competitions will take place between 5 and 7 August at the Nippon Budokan. The Budokan was originally built for the judo competition in the 1964 Summer Olympics.
Two karate disciplines will be featured. Kumite is the sparring discipline and will have three weight classes each for men and women. Kata is the solo form discipline, and will have one event each for men and women. Competitors choose the kata to demonstrate from 102 kata that are recognized by the World Karate Federation.
Sensei will be watching every event.
Booking your Family onto a Zoom Class
You can now book do family bookings for Zoom classes. This works if your family shares the same email address. Any family member that uses their own email address will have to book Zoom classes as an induvial. The booking email will now list all the family members and the days they have signed up for.
Thank you to Jen for giving Sensei the idea for this improvement.
This video shows you how easy it is to make a family booking.
Watch Video
Our 300th Class
This week will be our 300th class! To celebrate there will be some cake after we have finished training. There will also be a certificate for everyone who attends this special class.
Booking a Place on a Zoom Class
You can now book your place on Zoom classes for the next three months. This will allow Sensei to see if anyone wants to attend. You can make you booking right up to the last minute.
You do need to have an account, which you all do, so that you can receive the password to join the class.
This video shows you how easy it is to make a booking.
Watch Video
Matariki 2021
Matariki is the Maori name for the small cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades or the Seven Sisters, in the Taurus constellation.
In New Zealand it comes into view low on the north-eastern horizon, appearing in the tail of the Milky Way in the last days of May or in early June, just before dawn.
This heralds the Maori New Year. To celebrate I will be training on the beach at Scorching Bay before sunrise (about 6am).
Winter 2021 Newsletter
Here is the Winter issue of Ability, the New Zealand Disability Karate Association Newsletter.
In this issue we talk about karate tournaments and what what we will be doing to train for the next competition in 2022.
Read Newsletter
Back to level One
Now that we are back to level one in Wellington we will be able to return to training this week. To celebrate we will be practicing our partner drills and kata.
Even though we are back to level please continue to use the COVID tracer app.
An Extra Zoom Class
This is a 60 minute online training session with Sensei to make up for the cancellation of this week's class. The class will be on Saturday and will start at 4pm. You can wear your Gi or not, it is up to you. We will follow the normal class format. If you want to focus on anything let Sensei know and he will adjust the class plan.
There is a special Zoom Class entry for your karate journey.
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The Website Has Been Updated
It has been almost a year since the website had a major update. Changes have been made to the Home page to improve to include the latest picture in the Dojo Gallery and better looking news and events stories.
The Dojo Gallery page now has filter buttons so that you can see just the pictures for a given year. If you are logged into your account you can add your own memories to the gallery.
If you are logged into your account news and events stories will now show members only information. This includes things such as the passwords for our Zoom dojo classes. So rather than having to find the email with the password you can now find it through the website.
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COVID-19: Training at Level 2
Classes will running from next Wednesday if we remain a Alert Level 2. We will be following our COVID-19 plan to keep you safe.
Here is a link to our COVID-19 plan which includes a link to the Ministry of Health COVID-19 web pages, which has lots of useful information.
If you have any questions please contact Sensei Steve.
Be Safe, Be Kind
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Class Cancelled as a Precaution
I am very sorry to have to announce that we are suspending all classes until next Wednesday, where we will re-assess the situation based on guidance from the Ministry of Health. This is from immediate effect so there is no class on tonight.
I will be running a zoom class this week I will send out an invite soon.
If you want to chat you can call or text me on 027 240 2717. I will miss you all terribly, so keep safe and be kind to one another.
June Zoom Class
This is a 60 minute online training session with Sensei, which starts at 4pm on Sunday 6th June You can wear your Gi or not, it is up to you. We will follow the normal class format. If you want to focus on anything let Sensei know and will will adjust the class plan.
There is a special Zoom Class entry for your karate journey.
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Self Defence Class Tonight
Tonight we will be focusing on self defence. You will see how your karate can be used in a real world scenario.
It will be lots of fun!
Change of Grading Date
The Easter holidays have meant that many of you have been away and have been unable to attend training. This means that some of you who would have been grading next week may need a little more time to get ready.
We have moved the grading class back two weeks to the 19th May to give you extra time to practice.
Sunday is ANZAC Day. There are a number of services this Sunday. Sensei will be at the 6am Dawn Service to remember all those service personnel who have kept us safe and free.
Lest we forget.
Now we are 3!